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"The First Happy Saturday"


The First Happy Saturday by

Dr.Nathan Provost

Saturdays are a sigh of relief after a long week. They are for family and friends. For me, my Saturday morning ritual includes waking up, making coffee, and turning on College Gameday. I primarily read books on military history and the American Civil War, but I enjoy reading all topics in history. I began writing “Happy Saturday” posts on Facebook as a break from my job and dissertation. Now that I have completed my dissertation and defended it, I have more time to read and work on other writing projects. It is a moment for me to reflect on the week and any lingering historical questions. I am now focusing much time on a new book project. The book is entitled “More Than Grit,” covering Ulysses Grant’s decision-making throughout his military career. More than that, I am reading The Campaigns of Napoleon, Lincoln Finds a General, and Remini’s biography of Andrew Jackson. 

“Happy Saturday” posts will continuously cover College Football and ask historical opinion questions. Some may require more critical thinking, but it creates good conversation. Finally, I will use this platform for all of you to recommend books you have read or topics you want me to address. Either way, I will plan on writing one each week. Remember, Saturdays are fresh air after that long 40+ hour work week. Don’t look at emails, don’t take work calls, just read and be merry.

Question of the week: What was the last history book you read?


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Nov 05, 2023

Last book I read was The First Day on the Somme by Martin Middlebrook


Nov 05, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

The last Book I read was Henry VIII’S Castles

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